How does it work ?
A mobile app designed to help you manage your finances all in one place. Not only does Myculturegroup™ automatically track and categorize your transactions, it also gives you real time credit reporting along the way! The goal of our app is to keep you and your generational goals aligned by using easy to understand budgeting tools and long term growth strategies that you can follow on your phone in real time. Here at Myculturegroup™ we want you to be in control of your finances, so that your finances aren’t controlling you.
Download today, to see how Myculturegroup™ can change the way you manage your money!.
MyculturegroupTM is right for someone who wants financial independence through long term growth, the go to-app that shows your entire financial picture in real-time.
MyculturegroupTM is a fairly basic budgeting app that simplifies your day to day finances. No hidden fees, no bank account information stored reliable and very convenient.

About Us

Our Mission
Myculturegroup™ develops, promotes and shares financial literacy to change your community.

Our Plan
Myculturegroup™ will minimize the forecast of year 2053 by not becoming a 0 net worth for our middle class community.

Our Vision
Myculturegroup™ Was created so every community would have an equal opportunity to become financially independent through long term growth for generations to come.
As seen on
Contact Us
Open Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00AM - 05:00PM
Email Us
Call to get assistance for credit score
+1 877-833-9041